Blogs Category: Immigration


What is the Adjustment of Status process?

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Feb 17, 2020 | Immigration

In the world of immigration law, the term Adjustment of Status is the technical name for the process of applying for a green card. As many Phoenix residents already know, someone who has a green card has permission to stay in the United States indefinitely even if…


Immigrants accused of crimes may need legal help

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Feb 17, 2020 | Immigration

As many people may realize, those who are not American citizens and who commit certain crimes are in danger of deportation. This is true even if the person accused is otherwise in the United States with proper authorization. Not all criminal convictions lead to…


What legal defenses can stop deportation?

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Nov 13, 2019 | Immigration

Immigrants living in the United States may be forced to defend themselves against deportation for a variety of reasons. They may be accused of overstaying their visa, committing a serious crime while having permanent residency status or never having earned legal…


U.S. Attorney General limits options for immigrants

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Nov 12, 2019 | Immigration

Attorney General William Barr issued two rulings in late October over U.S. immigration policy. One limits the rights of immigrants with old criminal convictions to fight deportation proceedings. Another would disqualify people with multiple DUIs from taking several…


Trump requests the Supreme Court to block California’s “sanctuary state” law

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Oct 29, 2019 | Immigration

Recently, the Trump administration submitted a petition asking the Supreme Court to challenge one of California’s sanctuary state laws. The state currently has a policy that allows local immigration officials not to cooperate with federal agents. However, the Trump…


Immigration Cancellation of Removal, or “It’s Not About You”

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. May 7, 2017 | Immigration

In immigration law, sometimes it’s not about you. Or me. It’s about the kids. In the case of Cancellation of Removal, it really is. I had immigation court this afternoon for a couple, a husband and wife, who have four kids who are all US citizens….


Immigration News: Appeals Court Sets Hearing on Executive Actions

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Mar 25, 2015 | Immigration

Immigration Deferred Action DAPA News: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled a court hearing on April 17, regarding the Government’s request to stop the Injunction against President Obama’s Executive Actions. Judge Hanen in Texas issued an Injunction in…


Immigration: Inmigracion Ultimas Noticias Sobre DAPA

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Feb 17, 2015 | Immigration

Inmigracion Noticias: Immigration News Sobre DAPA La noche del lunes 16 de febrero, el juez Andrew Hanen de Texas emitió una orden temporal contra la ejecución de las acciones ejecutivas de la Administración Obama en la discreción del fiscal de la inmigración,…


Immigration DAPA Frequently Asked Questions – January

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Jan 20, 2015 | Immigration

On November 20, 2014, President Obama announced his Immigration Executive Action of Deferred Action for Parents of US citizens and lawful permanent residents, commonly referred to as DAPA. Since then, there have been many questions that are frequently asked by both…


Immigration Questions/ Preguntas Sobre Inmigracion

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. Nov 24, 2014 | Immigration

Immigration Questions/ Preguntas Sobre Inmigracion: Algunas personas han preguntado si se puede calificar para la Acción Diferida para los padres de ciudadanos estadounidenses o residente legal permanente, incluso si ya tiene otra petición pendiente con la…

