What Should I Do If I Receive a Deportation Order?

What Should I Do If I Receive a Deportation Order?

On Behalf of Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC. | Jul 22, 2024 | Immigration

As an immigrant, receiving a deportation order is one of the most devastating things that can happen to you. For the most part, deportation orders are considered final, and many immigrants are discouraged from escalating issues due to the fear of being blacklisted. However, deportation orders do not always mean the end of your stay and can be successfully challenged. Here’s how:

Call an Immigration Attorney

The first and most important thing to do when faced with deportation is to call an immigration attorney. The attorney will follow your case with the concerned bodies, explain your rights and options, and represent you in court if it gets to that.

Explore Your Options of Appeal

Depending on your lawyer’s advice, you can file an appeal at the court that issued the deportation order or file an official complaint with the Department of Homeland Services (DHS). This will help delay the deportation process, giving you more time to prepare your defense.

Get Ready to Prove Your Case

If your appeal is allowed, you will be scheduled for a hearing before an immigration judge or at the Board of Immigration Appeals. At the hearing, you will want to prove to the board or the court that deportation would put you or your family in a grave position.

To successfully do this, you will need to present documents such as proof of residency, employment records, social security number, and any other document that can support your case. If you have an attorney, this process will be a breeze.

Look at Other Legal Alternatives

If you are deported from the United States, you will be banned from returning to the country for several years. As such, you may want to consider other options that can save you from deportation.

Alternative solutions include applying for asylum, claiming Temporary Protected Status (TPS), or requesting Voluntary Departure. Whatever option you decide on, make sure you get your attorney’s counsel first.

Contact Us

If you or your loved one has received a deportation order or a notice to appear in immigration court, you need to swing into action immediately. Contact Coughlon Law in AZ today to schedule your appointment.






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