Virtual Appointments: We are offering remote consultations and virtual meetings. Please call our office at 602-636-0800 to set up your appointment.
POR EL MOMENTO: La oficina de Robert Coughlon no está tomando casos de deportación, asilo, y casos de personas detenidas. Sí estamos tomando casos de ajuste de estatus y ciudadanía.
Experienced Immigration Attorney
Controversies over immigration command our country’s headlines every day.
The fact remains; we are a nation of immigrants and always have been – and the United States remains a beacon of opportunity for all freedom-loving people.
If your legal goal is a better life in the U.S. for yourself, reunion with loved ones from overseas or recruitment of talented personnel from other countries as part of a business objective, Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC., works hard to make your dreams a reality.
Robert E. Coughlon Jr. uses his many years of experience as an immigration lawyer to help you and your family obtain legal immigration status in Arizona. You may be eligible for either family-based or employment-based immigration, depending upon your particular circumstances.
We Offer An Extensive Range Of Immigration Services
We represent people in many different areas of immigration law, including:
Every individual’s, family’s or business owner’s immigration legal situation is different. It is critical that you speak with our Phoenix immigration attorney Robert E. Coughlon Jr. immediately about your situation before taking action.
Get Answers To Your Immigration Questions Today
Contact Coughlon Law Firm, PLLC., to schedule a confidential consultation. Call today at 602-636-0800 to connect with a skilled legal professional. We welcome your email inquiry.
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